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Questionnaire Design

The skill in collecting the information you need lies in asking the right questions. This course will give you the skills to design good questionnaires - whether for face to face interviews, for structured telephone interviews or for an online survey. Running Focus Groups too, require the use of a well-designed topic guide.

Topics covered

The main topics that are covered in the 1 day course on Desk Research are shown below. The agenda can be adapted according to the specific interests of your organisation.


The first step in designing a questionnaire is to be clear on the specific objectives of the survey

Data Collection Options

The design of questionnaire will vary according to the methodology to be used in the data collection. A face to face discussion may use more of a Topic Guide where an online survey requires a well-structured questionnaire


The wording and order of questions asked and whether they should be open or closed questions will affect the quality of data collected. Key skills include the use clear language and avoiding bias.

Data Analysis

The approach to data analysis will depend on both the scale of the survey and the data collection method. Analysing detailed conversations from a face to face interview or Ficus Group requires a different apporach to hundreds or thousands 

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